Steroid use after 40 years

Steroid use after 40 years

Every man after the age of 30 begins to feel changes in his body and well-being. This is not surprising, just during this period the hormonal system decreases its work, the main hormone testosterone is no longer produced in sufficient quantities. If before that the male hormone was gaining its strength, then by the age of 40, obvious changes are noticeable. Such changes do not go unnoticed, the man feels a breakdown, sexual activity decreases, a number of diseases appear. Taking steroids can make a difference with proper use. These drugs are often used not only by athletes, but also by people leading an active lifestyle. It is important to remember before the course that in a more mature age, anabolic therapy can negatively affect health.

Применение стероидов после 40 лет

Taking anabolic steroids at the age of 25 will result in muscle growth and an increase in potency, after this period of life, an increase in pressure, a deterioration in well-being. To achieve good results and at the same time avoid side effects, you need to carefully analyze the situation, consult with experienced professionals. If a man started taking steroids, you need to monitor the condition, control the dosage, and at the first negative signs, consult a doctor.

How to build a course of steroid use after 40 and why

Each representative of the stronger sex at any age wants to look courageous, and not to lose his dignity in bed. It is especially important for athletes to maintain their physical activity, as many want to achieve the same goals. Since testosterone levels affect the functioning of the whole body, many continue their therapy with steroids. This allows you to maintain an even hormonal balance and improves overall physical performance. Pay attention to the rules of building a course in order to quickly achieve your goal, without any negative changes:

  • Before starting therapy, visit your doctor or sports doctor and undergo a complete examination to identify abnormalities in hormonal levels. If the testosterone level is significantly different from the norm, the decision to use anabolic steroids is made by experts.
  • The features of building a course at 40 years old differ significantly from therapy at 20, so it is so important to monitor your health indicators during the period of steroid use, as well as after the end of the course. There is no need to ignore the recommendations of a doctor and trainer, experts know what negative consequences await men who, with their eyes closed, begin to take anabolic steroids, ignoring all the warnings.
  • Increased blood pressure can be a major problem for those who want to achieve results at any cost. During the entire treatment, you need to monitor the pressure indicators and if you need to take special medications.
  • Many men after forty are susceptible to a number of diseases. In order not to aggravate your situation before you start taking anabolic steroids, get tested for cancer. Many steroids are known to accelerate the division of cancer cells.
  • The dosage is calculated individually, now it is significantly lower than 10 years ago and this should be taken. Many athletes cannot reduce the amount of the substance taken, considering themselves still young and strong, which can lead to tragedy in a few years.
  • The duration of the course is determined by the goal and well-being, but no more than 6 weeks. Short periods of steroid use will reduce the risk of sequelae.
  • It is necessary to take additional antiestrogens to prevent gynecomastia.
  • It is imperative to undergo a full recovery between courses. This will help maintain existing performance and improve overall well-being.

The risk of taking steroids after 40 years

Стероиды после 40

Each organism, regardless of age, has individual characteristics, so taking steroid drugs can both improve the situation and aggravate the situation. Most of the male population thinks more about their appearance than about health, so there are more cases when negative side effects appear already at the first stage of hormonal treatment. Controlling testosterone levels with age is necessary for every man so as not to miss the moment when anabolic therapy is needed to improve his well-being. If you are already over 40, and you have decided to resort to the help of pharmacology for the first time, it is important to take into account possible negative changes:

  • quick rollback after muscle gain;
  • slow recovery period;
  • gynecomastia even at low dosages and short periods of use;
  • water accumulation in tissues, swelling;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • loss of energy, weakness, drowsiness;
  • male pattern baldness;
  • acne;
  • deterioration of the appearance of the skin, hair;
  • unstable erection, decreased libido during the recovery period;
  • development of gout due to the large amount of uric acid in the blood;
  • fragility of bones, injuries under severe stress;
  • decreased motivation, apathy;
  • emotional instability.

Side effects of the above type occur due to non-compliance with the rules for the use of anabolic steroids. The choice of the drug and excipients plays a huge role. It is important to pay attention to the drugs that allow you to avoid gynecomastia and quickly stabilize the level of hormones in the blood. You should not choose combined courses yourself, it is better to buy a ready-made kit or use the help of a sports doctor.

How to choose the right course after 40

Как принимать стероиды после 40

Anabolic steroids differ in composition and properties, as well as in the presence of a negative effect on the male body. Everyone should approach therapy individually. The market has a huge variety of sports and active lifestyle products, but not all of them are suitable under certain circumstances. For this reason, each drug you intend to include in your course should be reviewed:

  • Turinabol online is the most popular and demanded among sports veterans. Provides the development of muscles, makes muscles elastic and relief. It is quickly absorbed, well tolerated, rarely causes side effects. Prized for efficiency, safety and availability.
  • Primobolan – allows you to find an elastic and relief muscle structure without aromatization and consequences. It does not require additional drugs and recovery, which is important for many of the stronger sex.
  • Equipoise is used in combined courses. Reduces the likelihood of water and fat accumulation, gives firmness and relief.
  • Proviron – if an athlete chooses testosterone preparations, he just needs to use Proviron. This is a unique drug that allows you to eliminate aromatization and enhance the effect of any substance.
  • Winstrol is suitable during the drying period to increase strength capabilities. In addition, it improves the work of other anabolic steroids, reducing the likelihood of water formation in the muscles.
  • Oxandrolone is an effective and safe substance. Does not provide a large increase in muscle, but increases physical potential several times.
  • Aromatase inhibitors – in adulthood, aromatization problems most often arise and the consequences that such pharma as tamoxifen, clomid, anastrozole can eliminate. In the course of taking steroids, you need to include only one and drugs for aromatization.

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