Month: October 2020

What are omega fatty acids?

Over the past half century, scientists have achieved great advances in the study of substances useful and harmful to the human body. Most people who do not yet know what omega fatty acids are, cannot understand how fats can be beneficial. Until a certain time, it was believed that fats kill the human body, and […]

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What is ligandrol

The pharmacological market produces drugs for medicine and sports, updating the range every month. Most of the tools were developed several decades ago. With the release of new products, people have a lot of questions about the effectiveness and safety of certain means. SARMs have become a breakthrough in medicine and sports and have caused […]

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Sports nutrition for weight loss

You said goodbye to bad habits, started playing sports and completely rebuilt to a healthy lifestyle, but the extra pounds still don’t let you forget about yourself? Achieving a slender figure and easy gait will not work quickly. A healthy body requires complex work. To forget about the problem of excess weight once and for […]

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Sports supplements – why are they needed?

Perhaps each of us has heard of sports supplements or sports nutrition. However, not everyone who has heard knows what sports supplements are. If you are professionally involved in sports, attending fitness classes, bodybuilding, or just going to lose weight, then you need sports supplements. What are sports supplements? Modern professional sports are unthinkable without […]

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Steroid courses for women

Hormonal drugs are used in professional sports not only by the stronger sex, but also by girls. Before starting a steroid course, many are afraid of the consequences of hormonal interference in the body. Since the middle of the last century, steroids for women have become indispensable helpers in achieving sports goals. Of course, there […]

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