Nutrition for the result: what you need to eat before and after training

Nutrition for the result: what you need to eat before and after training

“What food is there for weight loss and muscle growth? How much protein and carbohydrate foods to consume? How often to eat? ”- these topics are often discussed not only by amateur beginners, but also by experienced athletes. The sports environment has given rise to too many myths and speculations. It’s time to dispel them. Today in our blog – an extended commentary by Zinaida Shumakova, personal trainer of the Mango fitness club.

Персональный тренер фитнес-клуба «Манго» Зинаида Шумакова“What is good for one is bad for another” – one of the main tenets of the theory of bodybuilding. It applies to both training and nutrition for the athlete. Each organism requires an individual approach. If you have embarked on the fitness trail and want to be the owner of a strong, fit body, do not forget to consult a personal trainer and, of course, follow the general recommendations of specialists. Now I will share with you the universal dietary rules.

How to build a power system

The more often you exercise, the more strength and energy your body spends on recovery. Therefore, the diet of people with normal and increased physical activity should be different. The latter have a balanced diet, with an increased norm of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, excluding semi-finished products, fast food and other unhealthy products.

Natural food is what will lead you to your athletic goal. Proper nutrition, combined with regular exercise, will not only help you shed those extra pounds, but also gain muscle mass. Control your calorie intake using the chart below.

Полезная еда: овощи, фрукты, орехи

Food Calorie Table

Product Kcal / 100gr Product Kcal / 100gr Product Kcal / 100gr Product Kcal / 100gr
Meat (poultry meat products) Fish and seafood Milk products Cereals and legumes
Lamb fat 316 Granular caviar 250 Acidophilus (3.2%) 58 Green peas 280
Ham 365 Chum salmon caviar 245 Bryndza cow 260 Wheat flour 348
Beef stew 180 Pollock roe 130 Yogurt (1.5%) 51 Rye flour 347
Roast beef 170 Squid 75 Fat kefir 60 Cocoa powder 375
Brisket 475 Carp 46 Kefir 1% 38 Buckwheat 346
Goose 300 Fried carp 145 Kefir 0% thirty Semolina 340
Turkey 150 Chum 157 Milk (3.2%) 60 Oat groats 374
Boiled sausage 250 Canned fish in oil 320 Whole cow’s milk 68 Pearl barley 342
Semi-smoked sausage 380 Canned fish 120 Ice cream creamy 220 Wheat groats 352
Loin 430 Shrimp 85 Curdled milk 59 Barley groats 343
Rabbit meat 115 Crabs 70 Ryazhenka 85 Cornflakes 369
Boiled chicken 135 Bream 48 Cream 10% 120 Pasta 350
Fried chicken 210 Fried salmon 145 Cream 20% 300 Cereals 305
Beef liver 100 Smoked salmon 385 Sour cream 10% 115 Rice 337
Kidney 66 Pollock 70 Sour cream 20% 210 Soy 395
Sausages 160 Seaweed sixteen Dutch cheese 357 Beans 328
Pork chop 265 Navaga 44 Lambert cheese 377 Lentils 310
Pork stew 350 Perch 95 Parmesan cheese 330 Barley flakes 315
A heart 87 Crayfish 75 Russian cheese 371 Millet 351
Sausages 135 Baltic herring 98 Curd cheeses 380 Oatmeal 357
Veal 90 Stellate sturgeon 137 Cottage cheese 18% 226 Nestle corn flakes 368
Duck 405 Atlantic herring 57 Curd with sour cream 260
Language 165 Zander 43 Low-fat cottage cheese Chicken egg
Cod 59 Chicken egg 1 pc 65
Sprats in oil 250 Egg powder 540
Pike 41
Flounder 88

Nutritional Guidelines for Athletes

Before training

Pre-class meal – provides resources for your physical development during and after training. Protein products replenish the balance of amino acids in the body and are responsible for increasing muscle volume, while carbohydrate products provide additional energy for hours of workouts, increase activity and stimulate insulin production.

In order for you to feel light and to exercise freely, your body must have time to absorb food. I recommend eating complex carbohydrates 2-3 hours before training: cereals from various cereals, cereals, legumes and fruits with a glycemic index of up to 60.

Каша с орехами


  • 2 pinches of nuts
  • Medium portion of porridge
  • 200-250 gr chicken fillet
  • 2 cups vegetables
  • Glass of water

Menu for women

  • A pinch of nuts
  • Small portion of porridge
  • 100 gr chicken fillet
  • A cup of vegetables
  • Glass of water

This dosage is an average value. In order to quickly reach the desired sports result, it is better to contact a coach and together with him choose the best option for you.

During training

Water is what your body especially needs in the training process. Taking it in moderation will prevent dehydration and affect the rate of regeneration.

Nutrition during training is a must only for those who are engaged in fitness and bodybuilding professionally, trying to gain weight and preparing for competition. As a rule, such athletes use special sports nutrition cocktails for their own purposes.

After training

Formation of muscles, replenishment of strength and energy, general recovery are the main goals of nutrition after completing a set of exercises. Be sure to consume protein and carbohydrates within 1–2 hours after training. The former – stimulate the growth of muscle tissue, and the latter – maintain the required level of glycogen for 24 hours and contribute to the rapid regeneration of tissues and organs. Don’t rush to eat right away: drink a glass of warm water and take a short walk before eating.


  • Medium porridge
  • 200 grams of lean meat
  • 2 cups vegetables
  • A glass of low-fat kefir

Menu for women

  • Medium porridge
  • 100 grams of lean meat
  • Cups of vegetables
  • A glass of low-fat kefir

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